How we gave our Business Pitch Of The HULT Prize 2023 OnCampus Final Event

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How we gave our Business Pitch Of The HULT Prize 2023 OnCampus Final Event

As the deadline approaches the End, I wasn't ready to register our team(Unknown) because there is no valid idea in my mind regarding the topic "Redesigning Fashion". But later on, Gaurab suggested filling out the form without any idea just to make sure that we were not ready to miss this opportunity right there, So I filled up the form.

This year's Hult Prize 2023 topic was "Redesigning Fashion-To make it sustainable" looks quite difficult for us because non of us are familiar with the fashion industry. But there are no excuses for us, We did research and found a very suitable idea regarding this topic and are ready for the final pitch :)



What is Bambshion ?*

Bamboo + Fashion makes it Bambshion. Bambshion is the Face of today's fashion industry. Bambshion is a clothing brand that manufactures and distributes clothes to its customers.

Why Bamboo over cotton...?*

  1. Easy source

  2. Rapidly grows

  3. Regenerating

  4. Soil quality improves and prevents erosion in Comparision to other plants

  5. Don't need to use pesticides to grow Bamboo

  6. Less care means less time so you can use this time for other productive works

  7. Absorbs 5 times more carbon dioxide and produce 35% more Oxygen in comparison to another similar kind of plants

  8. Moisture wicking ability is more than 3X times in comparison to the cotton

  9. Less water consume coz it grows in almost every condition (18–35°C)

  10. Odour Resistance -Useful to make decorative bamboo products as well as doko, dalo, supo and basket and so on....

  11. Softness which is present in the bamboo fabric does not affect event to the soft skin

  12. There is no wastage of any part. Even the outer part of the bamboo is used to make decorative Basket


Team Bambshion has experts,

Suman Sharma (Marketing Department)

Yubraj Adhikari ( Manufacturing Department)

Gaurab Poudyal (Finance Department)


Main Problem with Fashion Industry in today's world:

  1. Non-Disposal & Non-Sustainable:

    Today the fashion industry produces clothes that do not decompose & affect the environment. Cotton clothes take a very long time to decompose in the environment completely. Due to fast fashion, these products are also not sustainable.

  2. 250 Trillions Litres of Water Consumption:

    The production of cotton needs more than 250 Trillion liters of water. Which is a very large amount. But the use of Bamboo consumes much less water than cotton.

  3. Use of Pesticides:

    For the production of cotton, we need to use pesticides. In the big industry, the amount of pesticide use is increasing day by day which directly affects our environment. In our case, for the production of bamboo, we don't need to use any kind of pesticide that directly and indirectly affect our environment.

  4. Non-recyclable Packaging:

    In today's world, we live in a plastic world. Turn around and look everywhere you will definitely see plastic products here and there. We use very large amounts of plastic products which directly or indirectly harm the environment. But with the use of Bambshion products, this problem is completely solved. In our case, we provide a Bag which is made from bamboo with our products (Clothes). This bag is Sustainable, Biodegradable & Multipurpose. With the use of this bag, the use of plastic bags will reduce even if on a small scale.


The solution to all the problems with today's fashion industry is Fabric Made

Bamboo & WHY this?*

  1. Sustainable:

    Bamboo fabric is an eco-friendly fabric that has a low environmental effect. Furthermore, it preserves the biodegradability of natural components. The textile industry is seeing an increase in demand for this fabric due to its numerous functional qualities.

  2. UV Protection:

    UV Protection: Bamboo fabric offers UV protection and can cut out up to 97% of harmful UV rays. For this reason, it has become increasingly popular in warmer climates such as Australia, where skin cancer is prevalent.

  3. Odour Resistant:

    Bamboo's fiber composition has a natural bio-agent called bamboo kun that makes it naturally anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and odor-resistant.

  4. Soft Fabric:

    Bamboo rayon and similar semi-synthetic fabrics are not as soft or tensile as the real thing, and they certainly have negligible antibacterial benefits.


The sourcing of bamboo is very easy in comparison to cotton and other fiber-producing materials. The following reasons make it easy sourcing as:

  1. Regenerative: Bamboo Has Regeneration Superpowers

    Well, rather than directing energy towards regaining its lost height, a cut bamboo stalk will simply unfurl new leaves.

  2. No-pesticide: Unlike trees and other plants that need to be treated with harmful pesticides and toxic chemicals, bamboo plants are grown organically without the need of any chemical treatments.

  3. Need less water: The shallow rhizomes and roots don't need very deep watering, but they should be watered often, at least once a week. Young bamboo and fresh transplants will need more water, and in the heat of summer, you may need to water them two or three times a week.

  4. Production of O2: Bamboo is a crucial element in the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. A grove of bamboo release 35% more oxygen than an equivalent stand of trees. Because of this, planting bamboo is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and help fight global warming.


  • Bamboo Fiber Processing:
    The general process for chemically manufacturing bamboo fiber using hydrolysis alkalization with multi-phase bleaching technology – which is the dominant technology for producing regenerated bamboo fiber – goes like this:

  • Bamboo leaves and the soft, inner pith from the hard bamboo trunk are extracted and crushed. The crushed bamboo cellulose is soaked in a solution of 15% to 20% sodium hydroxide at a temperature between 20oC to 25oC for one to three hours to form alkali cellulose. The bamboo alkali cellulose is then pressed to remove any excess sodium hydroxide solution. The alkali cellulose is crashed by a grinder and left to dry for 24 hours. Roughly a third as much carbon disulfide is added to the bamboo alkali cellulose to sulfurize the compound causing it to jell. Any remaining carbon disulfide is removed by evaporation due to decompression and cellulose sodium xanthogenate is the result. A diluted solution of sodium hydroxide is added to the cellulose sodium xanthogenate dissolving it to create a viscose solution consisting of about 5% sodium hydroxide and 7% to 15% bamboo fiber cellulose.

  • The viscose bamboo cellulose is forced through spinneret nozzles into a large container of a diluted sulfuric acid solution which hardens the viscose bamboo cellulose sodium xanthogenate and reconverts it to cellulose bamboo fiber threads which are spun into bamboo fiber yarns to be woven into reconstructed and regenerated bamboo fabric. Newer manufacturing facilities have begun using other technologies to chemically manufacture bamboo fiber that is more benign and eco-friendlier. The chemical manufacturing process used to produce lyocell from wood cellulose can be modified to use bamboo cellulose. The lyocell process, also used to manufacture TENCEL®, uses N-methyl morpholine-N-oxide which is non-toxic to humans and the chemical manufacturing processes are closed-loop so 99.5% of the chemicals used during the processing are captured and recycled to be used again. Nanotechnology is being also used for bamboo fibers.

Manufacturing Process of Bamboo Fiber:

  • The weaving of bamboo fabric:
    The tensile strength of the bamboo fiber is very low as it is recommended to give 350-410 twists per meter. Weaving should be carried out in low moisture regain and low tension as bamboo fiber has a lower tensile strength at low moisture regain rate. It is better to choose denatured starch as the main component of the sizing agent for providing strength.

  • Pretreatment:
    Light sizing can be carried out and the desiring rate can be around 80%. Bamboo fabrics do not usually require scouring, or mercerizing but to improve fabric quality these can be carried out.

  • Dyeing:
    Bamboo fiber is sensitive to acid or alkali so the volume should be maintained carefully. Reactive dyestuff is suitable as it reacts with bamboo fiber in a mild alkaline medium. Bamboo textiles are suitable to be dyed on a jigger or winch loose rope dyeing machine. In dyeing, the volume of calcined soda cannot exceed 25g/L. The temperature cannot exceed 100oC.


Now products are ready for distribution. How we are going to distribute our product then?

Well, there are various methods of distributing products but according to our resources and budget Intensive distribution is suitable for us. Also, we are a growing start-up that's why it become more beneficial to us.

Then What is intensive Distribution ...?*

a method of marketing where a company sells a product in as many places as possible, so consumers see the product wherever they go:

So, we have already established distributors from whom we can distribute our products to the customers. More distributors mean a more penetrating market, more penetrating market means more products will sell that's what we all wanted.

An intensive distribution strategy increases product awareness. The process results in brand loyalty and trust because the products are made available in multiple shops and establishments.


We are planning to do marketing in two phases:

Phase-01: B2B

This will help us reach even more people and encourage them to take advantage of the program so that you can grow your business faster. By implementing this B2B marketing strategy, they'll be able to drastically increase the number of leads and sales, boost your revenue and customer base, and achieve long-term success.

It is suitable for us because the resources and budget available to us right now are limited. This is one more reason to use B2B.

As years will pass, sales will also increase resulting in an increase in profit. Later on, we can shift to B2C marketing.

Phase-02: B2C

  • Globalization. Larger-scale B2C businesses often have large target audiences. ...

  • Low cost. E-commerce B2C models cut down on operational and physical infrastructure costs.

  • Personalization. ...

  • Customer experience management. ...

  • Customer data. ...

  • Booming business.

How we are unique other than other businesses...?*

-Own packaging:

This makes us more unique because we are using the waste part of bamboo during manufacturing i.e Outer part of bamboo. From which we can make bags ( Multipurpose, sustainable & bio-degradable). And our clothing products are distributed by placing into this bag. This bag also consists of our own BRANd LOGO alongside BRAND NAME.


Total Clothing market Capitalization(Worldwide) = 2.5 Trillion

Clothing market Capitalization(Nepal) = 26.4 Arab(1.9 Billion)

Revenue Model:

If we consider a T-Shirt of our company with

Selling Prize=1000/-

Manufacturing Cost=400/-

Retailer margin = 200/-

Distribution cost= 200/-

Net profit= 200/- i.e. Profit=20%

Expected Market Capture:

If we were able to capture only 2.75% of market capitalization, the conclusion goes like this:

Annual Sales= 73 Cr.

Annual Profit= 12 Cr.


Financial Projection shows how we invest the upcoming 5 years into market capture, Sales, Manufacturing Cost, Retailer Margin, Distribution Cost, Profit Before Tax, and Net Profit( Profit After Tax).

10. Business Model Canvas

A Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a single-page template used to outline the goals and objectives of a business. As a strategic management tool, a BMC can help business owners and other stakeholders develop new business models or evaluate existing models.

You can visualize all the building blocks when you want to start a business, including customers, route to market, value proposition, and finance.

11. Thank You :)

"Happy Face👨, Happy Reader📚 "-s2

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